About me

You can contact me via this email: web21@freshgasflow.com Please mention “Happy Thinking” in the subject line. Thank you.

Before we proceed, it is important that you get to know a bit about who I am (and who I am not!). Your mind is very precious and I would like you to know something about me before you trust me.

I must emphasise to you that I am not a mental health professional and I do not have formal qualifications in the subject. So, please take the information on this website at your own risk (please read the disclaimer section of this website for more details).

Now you may ask, “What qualifies me to run this website?” Well, perhaps like yourself, I too have been pondering about how to be happy. In my life, I have faced various challenges that have kept my mind often in an unhappy state. Over the years, I have thought about this issue and wondered if I could come up with a practical and easy-to-understand way of dealing with it. 

I soon realised that the way one’s mind “thinks”, can play an important role if one is happy or not. When faced with challenges, I noticed that there seemed to be certain unhelpful ways of thinking that my mind did that caused me to be unhappy. I then thought that maybe an idea would be to deal with the issue like an engineer would deal with a faulty machine: i.e. recognise unhelpful ways of thinking and use tools to fix such thinking. So over the years, I learnt about the various unhelpful ways of thinking that one’s mind may do and then researched and experimented with various mental techniques (i.e. tools) that I could use to deal with such thinking. Having benefited from these techniques greatly, I felt that I should share such insights with others. I, therefore, made this website to fulfil this desire of sharing, with the hope that it will benefit many. 

When reading the many “self-help” books and other resources out there, I often found them to be either too vague or too complex to be of practical value in my day to life. In view of this, my number one focus for this website was to make it easy to understand and give solutions that one can realistically use in one’s daily life. 

I also would like to stress that it is very important that if you are being cared for by a mental health professional, under no circumstances should you change your thinking or medication, without their approval. They are trained individuals unlike me, and also, suddenly changing medication can be very dangerous. On the other hand, please do share this website with them and please let me know what they think of it! Also, unfortunately, suicide is a very real risk in some and if you feel in any way inclined to do so, please contact professional helplines in your country and also seek out friends and family. Things may feel very low, but once someone lifts you up a bit, you will realise that there is hope. 

So while I would like to make it clear that this website does not provide professional advice, I hope that you will assess the simple ideas I will present to you and if you find them sensible, use them in your life to make yourself a happier person.

I have kept this website free so that everyone can benefit. However, if you are able to make a small donation equal to about a dollar, I would be very grateful if you would do so by clicking HERE. You will be then taken to a donate page. Every little bit will help me develop this website. Thank you.

My ultimate aim is for you to be happy and I am confident that the material on this website will help you to think in ways that will make you happy (i.e. Happy Thinking!).

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